About Zachary
- Zachary is located 10 miles N of Baton Rouge and 70 miles NW of New Orleans.
- The City of Zachary is in East Baton Rouge Parish and is part of the Baton Rouge metro area.
- Zachary was incorporated as a city in 1889.
- 2018 Population Estimate for the City of Zachary (City Limits) is 17,411, according to the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana
- Zachary's School System is Ranked No. 1 in the State of Louisiana academically for the ninth consecutive year and is considered to be the best in the area. Zachary's School System consists of 8 schools.
- People 25 years old and above with a high school degree or higher is 91.06%.
- People 25 years old and above with a Bachelor's degree or higher is 24.96%.
- The poverty rate in Zachary is 4.5%. People living below poverty level is 6.37% in the 70791 zip code.
- The average household income in Zachary is $75,533 and is the highest in the capital region.
- Zachary was the first city in Louisiana to elect a Republican as Mayor in 20th-century Louisiana.
- 1.19% of households with cash public assistance income in 70791 area.
- Top 10 Best Towns for Families in America by Family Circle Magazine in 2012.
- Ranked one of the Top 5 Best Towns for Young Families in Louisiana by NerdWallet in 2013.
- Visit Zachary's marketing initiative at www.smartpluszachary.org.
- 2018 Richest Town in Louisiana by USA TODAY