City of Zachary

Historic District

City Hall

Historic District

Mary Landry

Zachary Historical Director


Mary Landry was appointed to serve as the Zachary Historic Village Director for the City of Zachary in April 2018. The Historic Village Director works with  the Zachary Historic Advisory Board and strives to boost the growth of the historic village while overseeing all of Zachary's museums, keeping the city's history relevant.

Prior to accepting the Zachary Historic Village Director position, Mary, with the support of her husband David, was the owner of a successful sign and banner business for 15 years.  In 2013, her company received the Zachary Chamber Small Business of the year. In 2015, she was named "Volunteer of the Year" by the Zachary Chamber of Commerce. She has devoted herself to charitable work benefitting the Zachary community for numerous years. She is also a member of the Zachary Rotary Club, Zachary Chamber of Commerce and Zachary Athletic Foundation.

The Zachary Historic Advisory Board was confirmed by Zachary City Council on January 22, 2019. The advisory board is comprised of 9 voting members which are appointed by the Mayor, City Council and the Historic Director and will serve a 4 year term.

Left Bottom to Top: Sharon Turner – appointed by Councilman Lael Montgomery, Theresa Payment (Chairman) – appointed by Brandon Noel, Mike Gennaro (Secretary) – appointed by Mary Landry, Director HV, Bob Whitaker – appointed by Mayor Amrhein.

Right Bottom to Top: Jennifer Boyd (Vice-Chairman) – appointed by Councilman Hunter Landry, Sharon Phillips – appointed by Mayor Amrhein, Jeanne Partin – appointed by Councilman Francis Nezianya, Pat Artieta – appointed by Councilwoman Laura O’Brien, Mary Landry – HV Director.


ARTICLE ll:  Purpose
Section 1:      The purpose of this Board shall be to act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and Council and to the staff of the Museum; to act as Ambassadors to the citizenship, the educational community, and among Museum peer groups.

Section 2:      The Board shall also participate in the development, facilitation and implementation of policy, goals and objectives, and in the planning and development of ways and means to provide necessary funding to accomplish goals and objectives.


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Zachary Depot
4435 West Central
Zachary, LA 70791
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