City of Zachary


City Services


Steve Nunnery

Chief Financial Officer

(225) 654-0287 Ext. 104

The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the development and maintenance of procedures for the financial control of the city. His roles also include the safeguarding of city assets, recording of accounting activities, coordination of a short and long range business planning program, preparation and interpretation of regular and special financial and statistical reports, determination of costs and the development and maintenance of an effective budget system. The Chief Financial Officer provides assistance to the mayor, City Council and city administration in controlling city operations and executes and polices city financial policy and accounting practices.


Dana Lejeune


(225) 654-0023

In 2014, Zachary operated as a $23 million a year entity based on the city’s three main funds – the general fund, with a balance of just under $14 million; the utility fund, which has an $8 million balance; and the street fund, with a total of $1.5 million.  The $1.5 million in road sales-tax funds Zachary receives annually from East Baton Rouge parish’s half-cent sales tax must be spent on specific projects or saved but designed for others.  By law, 3 percent of every dollar spent in the parish must be spent on beautification efforts.  Of the remaining funding, 70 percent must go to new roads and 27 percent to road rehabilitation and repair. 

A tax millage breakdown within the City of Zachary is as follows:

Zachary Community Schools 79.200 Mills
City of Zachary  3.170 Mills

East Baton Rouge Parish

  • EBR Parish
  • Mosquito Abatement
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Library
  • BREC Parks
  • Special Law Enf.
  • Special Law Enf. #2
  • Special Law Enf. #3
  • Assessor Sal & Exp.

49.129 Mills

  • 3.440
  • 1.410
  • 3.130
  • 10.780
  • 14.038
  • 4.360
  • 3.730
  • 6.900
  • 1.340
Diversion Canal 2.520 Mills
Contact Us:
4700 Main Street
Zachary, LA 70791
(225) 654-0023
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