News & Events
Louisiana Spirit Crisis Counseling
The Louisiana Spirit Crisis Counseling Program offers crisis counseling that empowers Louisiana disaster survivors to build resilience, recover and move towards self-sufficiency. It is a federally funded program that provides emotional support, counseling, information and referrals for survivors impacted by the recent flooding. Common disaster reactions include: Sleeping problems, eating problems, drinking too much, avoiding people, feeling moody, feeling angry, being short with others, trouble concentrating, trouble at work, feeling sad or depressed or anxious. If you are suffering from any of these issues and need help, contact (985) 520-2182 or reach out to the 24-hour hotline at (866) 310-7977. Help is just a call away!
Helpful Phone Numbers
Emergency calls should be made first to # 911
American Red Cross (866) 438-4636
Animal Control (225) 774-7700
Baton Rouge Police (225) 389-3831
Baton Rouge Fire (225) 354-1400
Baton Rouge Shelters (866) 438-4636
City of Baker (225) 778-0300
City of Central (225) 262-5000
City of Zachary Fire Department (225) 654-0026
City of Zachary Police Department (225) 654-9393
City of Zachary Building Inspection (225) 654-6873
City of Zachary Public Works (225) 654-1902, 24 Hr. No. (225) 654-0201
City of Zachary Utility Billing (225) 654-6871
City of Zachary Utilities Maintenance, Water, Gas, Sewer, Garbage (225) 654-0201
City of Zachary Community School Board - (225) 658-4969
DEMCO (225) 261-1160
Dept of Public Works (225) 389-3158
EBR Sheriff's Office (225) 389-5000
EMS (225) 389-3300
Entergy (800) 968-8243
FEMA Helpline - 1-800-621-FEMA - Website - or
Gouging Complaints (800) 488-2770
Governor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness (225) 925-7500
LA State Police (Road Closures) (800) 469-4828
LA State Police (Troop A) (225) 754-8500
Mayor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness (225) 389-2100
Special Needs Shelter (800) 349-1372
U.S. Geological Survey (225) 389-0281
24 Hour Flight Information:
American Airlines (800) 223-5436
Delta Airlines (800) 325-1999
United Airlines (800) 864-8331